Gallery of installations

Gallery of installations

Greg-Gaz, Grzegorz Pajer
ul. Spokojna 28, Tychy, Poland
tel. 504 146 991

LPG installation for Land Rover Discovery 5.0 276 kW 2013

Land Rover Discovery 5.0 276 kW 2013
Direct petrol injection (DI)
LPG/CNG Controller ALEX IDEA 4 cyl.
LPG/CNG Injectors Barracuda 130 Nl/min
Switch RGB
LPG Tank External tank 680/200

Do you have any plans for the weekend? How about a journey into the heart of the assembly by Greg-Gaz, Grzegorz Pajer and discovering together with #LandRoverDiscovery the ideal for direct and dual injection? Of course, we are talking about the ALEX IDEA LPG system. Pack your bags, let’s get to the topic!

This car will perfectly handle the ALEX IDEA autogas system. See the photos and check what components are under the hood of this off-road vehicle 😉