logówki unia flaga RP plus godło podlaskie

Project „Service supporting the commercialization of a business idea: e-commerce at ALEX Sp. z o. o.”

as part of the RPOWP for 2014-2020
Priority Axis I. Strengthening the potential and competitiveness of the region’s economy
Measures 1.4. Promotion of entrepreneurship and increasing the investment attractiveness of the voivodeship
Measures 1.4. Promotion of entrepreneurship and increasing the investment attractiveness of the voivodeship
Project type 1A. Specialized consulting services for Podlasie SMEs (demand model)

The project involves providing consulting services regarding innovative (in the industry) activities in the field of marketing and sales activities on the Internet, including verifying the possibility of building a sales channel based on e-commerce.

The project is scheduled for the period from 2020-10-01 to 2020-11-30.

Total value of the project: PLN 60,270.00. EU co-financing: PLN 36,750.00.